Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Set subdomain host IP

1. Create a Subdomain.

You can create your subdomain from your domain control panel. After create the subdomain you can forward the subdomain to the IP.

Say you have a domain www.abser.com

You make a subdomain  sd.abser.com

2. Add Host for the Subdomain.

After create the subdomain go to add host option to your control panel.

add your prefered IP as the host IP. You may add many IP for a single Host.

Say you want to add the IP as the Host of sd.abser.com.

Put the IP to the Host IP field.

3. Create Virtual host to your Host server.

see the virtual host section to know how to add a virtual host.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Disable Indexing in Apache

The simple and easiest way to disable indexing in apache is adding following code to the httpd.conf/apache.conf(which is available in your server)

Add following code below of the httpd.conf/apache.conf file

<Location />
Options -Indexes
